Desafío: Adventures with Book Recommendations

Adventures with Book Recommendation will dive into the Tribal Library to create recommendations for fellow library goers to help them find a new book. Each recommendation must have the Title, Author, a description of the book, and images you have created to fill in the recommendation.

Al completar 3 tareas, recibira 30 puntos y una medalla.

"You've Completed a Summer Reading Challenge" in text, with a circle filled with a family of quail and an open book in the middle

Check out a book you have never read before

Create a book recommendation with the template on the Summer Reading Calendar (Title, Author, General summary of the book)

Create images to go on your book recommendation (colored pencils, markers, crayons, images online)

Show your book recommendation to Tribal Library staff

Have a staff member help you hang up the book recommendation under the book you choose to review

Choose ether a Fiction or Nonfiction novel at your reading level