Desafío: Adventure in the Desert

Explore life in the desert by book or by foot

Al completar 3 tareas, recibira 30 puntos y una medalla.


Get up early (before it gets too hot) and take a walk around your neighborhood. Can you find at least four different desert plants?

Get up VERY, VERY early and take a short hike in one of the desert parks around Phoenix. Remember to choose a less-hot day, carry and drink plenty of water, and finish by 9:00 AM or so (depending on the temperatures and how accustomed you are to the heat). While hiking, explore with your senses. What do you hear? Smell? Feel? See?

Draw or paint a picture of the desert.

Study an animal native to our Sonoran Desert and write a short poem or story about it.

Lea Leo the Lazy Lizard, by Ed Shankman [Children's Picture Book]
Lea Luna Ranchera, by Rodrigo Morlesin [Children's Picture Book]
Lea Cactus Queen: Minerva Holt Establishes Joshua Tree National Park, by Lori Alexander [Children's BIO]
Lea A Day in the Life of a Desert : 6 Desert Habitats, 108 Species, and How to Save Them, by Roxie Munro [Children's Non-Fiction]
Lea The Canyon's Edge, by Dusti Bowling [MIddle Grade Novel in Verse]
Lea Healer of the Water Monster, by Brian Young [Middle Grade Novel]
Lea Frontera, by Julio Anta [Teen Fiction]
Lea The Voice in My Head, by Dana L Davis [Teen Fiction]
Lea Saguaro Sanction, by Scott Graham [Adult Mystery]
Lea The Cactus League, by Emily Nemens [Adult Fiction]
Lea Totem, by Laura Perez Granell [Adult Graphic Novel]
Lea Parched: 50 Plants that Survive and Thrive in a Dry Garden, by Philip Clayton [Adult Non-Fiction]
Lea The Backwoods of Everywhere: Words from a Wandering Local, by R.E. Burillo [Adult Non-Ficiton]