Desafío: Wow! Water

There is nothing like a delicious drink of water on a hot summer day or sinking into a cool pool under the heat of the sun...Water is fun to splash in, drink, sink in, run through, squirt, wash with, float in, and read about. Choose 3 of the following activities to get 30 points and a water badge.

Al completar 3 tareas, recibira 30 puntos y una medalla.

A dolphin floats in sparkling blue water with a red and yellow swim ring and the text pool party and water fun

Make it a goal this summer to drink six 8 oz glasses of water daily.

Read a book with the word "water" in the title

Watch a swimming or diving competition either in person or on TV

Experiment with painting using water or watercolors. Paint a water scene.

Run through a sprinkler in your backyard or visit a local splash pad

Take a swim in a local public pool or in your backyard

Visit a local water setting such as Lake Pleasant, the Salt River, Tempe Town Lake or the Riparian Preserve at Water Ranch.

Listen to the sound of rain either in person, online or on a CD.

Learn about water conservation in the desert by visiting

Try creating an infused water drink by filling a pitcher with water and adding different fruits, vegetables and herbs to try a new taste. You can try strawberries, blueberries, cucumbers, mint or thyme. There are so many combinations.