Challenge: True Tales!

Curious kids, are these true adventures too exciting for bedtime? Time to find out!

When you complete 1 task, you will earn 10 points and a badge.

Kids with walking sticks hiking in the woods turn to point at something unknown. They have surprised expressions.
Read Otis and Will discover the deep: the record-setting dive of the Bathysphere by Barb Rosenstock; illustrated by Katherine Roy
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Read How does chocolate taste on Everest?: explore earth's most extreme places through sight, sound, smell, touch, and taste by Leisa Stewart-Sharpe; illustrated by Aaron Cushley
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Read My Antarctica: true adventures in the land of mummified seals, space robots, and so much more by G. Neri; illustrated by Corban Wilkin
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Read They hold the line: wildfires, wildlands, and the firefighters who brave them by Dan Paley; illustrated by Molly Mendoza
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Read Sarah and the big wave: the true story of the first woman to surf Mavericks by Bonnie Tsui ; illustrated by Sophie Diao
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Read Down the Colorado: John Wesley Powell, the one-armed explorer by Deborah Kogan Ray
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Read Bessie the motorcycle queen by Charles R. Smith Jr.; illustrated by Charlot Kristensen
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Read Nellie vs. Elizabeth: two daredevil journalists' breakneck race around the world by Kate Hannigan; illustrated by Rebecca Gibbon
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Read The hen who sailed around the world: a true story by Guirec Soudée
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